Zoning Board of Appeals Administrative Meeting Minutes 7/29/10
ZBA Administrative Meeting Minutes

Date:  July 29, 2010
Hearing began at: 2:46pm

Members Present:  Robert Gauthier, Chair, Robert Lazzarini, Vice-Chair, Fred Chapman, Clerk, Dean Amidon and Anne-Marie Enoch joined at 2:50pm

Robert Gauthier commended everyone on a job well done last year.  The Board voted on the annual rotation of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Clerk as follows:

Robert Lazzarini – Chairperson
Fred Chapman – Vice-Chairperson
Dean Amidon – Clerk

Robert G. made a suggestion that the Board review the special permit rules and exceptions. Board must vote that petitioner meet the standard or did not  He also suggested that after a decision is made and the findings and conditions are set it should be run by town counsel to review.  The Board all agreed that this was a good idea and they would run it by town counsel.

Robert Lazzarini suggested that follow up with the Building Inspector be tightened.  Everyone felt that the current Building Inspector was thorough but that a face to face might be useful.  Anne-Marie suggested that Don sign off on something stating that he issued the permit with the conditions set forth by the Board and forward it to the Board for their records.

The meeting concluded at 2:59pm

Submitted by
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary